How to Handle Delayed Hurricane Insurance Claims in Florida

How to Handle Delayed Hurricane Insurance Claims in Florida

After your home is damaged by a hurricane, you expect your insurance provider to respond to your claim quickly. The faster they do, the sooner you can get your home back into good condition. But imagine how you’d feel if your insurance provider drags their feet. Delayed claims can make it hard for you to get your life back on track, but that doesn’t mean you’re powerless against your insurance company. Here are a few tips from your Florida hurricane insurance claims attorney to help you navigate delayed claims in a productive way.

Make Sure You File Your Claim Quickly

The sooner you file your claim after the storm, the better. You may be able to beat the rush and decrease the risk of delays keeping you from getting the money you need. But if you do end up waiting, make sure to file your claim within three years of the damage happening. If you file after the three years have passed, your insurance provider may deny your claim outright.

Speak With a Florida Hurricane Insurance Claims Attorney Immediately

It’s a good idea to speak with a hurricane insurance claims attorney as soon as you know you’ll need to file a claim. While you’re not required to work with a legal professional, having an attorney on your side as soon as you file your claim can help you make sure your insurance provider follows through with everything they’re supposed to. Even better, you’ll have an expert on hand to give you detailed advice and to represent your interests with the insurance company if needed.

Understand Your Rights

In Florida, hurricane insurance providers must acknowledge your claim within 14 days of you filing it and they must reach a decision within 90 days of your filing date. If your claim is approved, your insurance provider must send you a settlement payment within 20 days of their approval of your claim. If the insurance provider takes longer than they should at any step of the claims process, you can and should take action. Your Florida hurricane insurance claims attorney can help you hold your provider accountable.

Document Everything You Can

The more documentation you compile, the easier it will be to prove that your insurance provider is taking longer than they should. Keep copies of any emails, call logs, text messages, and letters you receive regarding your claim. Print out copies of your claim paperwork showing the date that you filed and any responses you received from your provider. This can help establish a clear timeline and can act as evidence of the delays if you need to file a complaint.

File a Complaint With the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation

If your insurance provider fails to respond to your claim in a timely manner, you can and should file a complaint with the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation. It’s their responsibility to ensure that all insurance providers are following the law and are responding to claims within the allowed timeframe. 

They’ll investigate your complaint and help you hold your insurance provider accountable if they’re found to be in violation.

If this complaint isn’t enough to get your insurance provider to process your claim and stop dragging their feet, you may need to take them to court. Your Florida hurricane insurance claims attorney can represent your interests and help you build a case if you need to take this step.

Let Parrish Law Help

Whether you’re worried about filing a claim or your insurance provider has been less than responsive to your concerns, working with a Florida hurricane insurance claims attorney can take the stress out of dealing with your insurance provider. At Parrish Law, our team has decades of experience helping homeowners like you get the money you deserve. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.