Hurricane Damage to Condos: Who Is Responsible for Repairs in Florida?

Hurricane Damage to Condos: Who Is Responsible for Repairs in Florida?

Living in a condo offers many benefits that you may not find living in a traditional house. The condo association takes care of routine exterior maintenance, keeps community areas in good condition, and gives you access to amenities that you may not find in a neighborhood of stand-alone homes. But when hurricane damage happens, figuring out who is responsible for which repairs can be tough. Here’s what your Florida hurricane insurance claims attorney wants you to know before you file a claim.

What the Condo Association Is Responsible For

Condo associations are responsible for all repairs to the exterior of the condo buildings including the following:

  • Damaged siding
  • Roof damage
  • Water damage to stairways and hallways
  • Damage to landscaping
  • Flooding in community buildings

The general rule is that any damage outside of your unit, your storage area, or other part of your condo that is exclusively yours is the responsibility of the condo association to repair. They’re responsible for filing claims with their insurance provider and making the necessary repairs to the exterior of the building and property.

What Owners Are Responsible For

Condo owners are responsible for making repairs to their personal property, including the interior of the condo and anything that they use exclusively. This includes the following:

  • Damaged flooring
  • Damaged fixtures
  • Damaged appliances
  • Damaged furniture
  • Water damage to the walls
  • Destroyed clothing
  • Damaged collectibles

Anything inside your condo is typically your responsibility to repair. Keep in mind that some fixtures like the windows may be the condo association’s responsibility to repair or replace. Refer to the terms outlined in your purchase agreement and the condo association terms and conditions you agreed to when you moved in. 

How to Handle Disputes

Sometimes, the lines between what’s private property and what’s community property or the responsibility of the condo association can be difficult to interpret. After a hurricane, it’s normal for the condo association to try to push as many repairs onto the condo owners as they can. This can lead to disputes in the coverage and can delay your ability to get the repairs taken care of quickly. 

If you find yourself in a dispute with the condo association, there are a few steps you’ll want to take.

Review Your Condo Association Agreement

Every condo association should have a detailed and living document that outlines their responsibilities including what the association is responsible for maintaining. If you live in a hurricane or storm-prone area, the agreement should also include provisions for how the association should handle repairs. 

Take the time to review those documents in detail and see if you can figure out if the condo association is behaving appropriately. If they are, you’ll be able to formulate a plan to get all necessary repairs taken care of. If they’re behaving inappropriately or are refusing to make repairs clearly outlines in the agreement, you can and should hold them accountable for their actions.

Speak With Your Florida Hurricane Insurance Claims Attorney

You don’t have to handle disputes between yourself and the condo association on your own, and in many cases, you shouldn’t try to. Instead, work with an experienced Florida hurricane insurance claims attorney from the beginning. Your attorney will be able to review the condo association’s responsibilities and represent your interests with their team. This can help show the association that you’re ready to hold them accountable and may increase the chances of them taking care of repairs faster.

Let Your Florida Hurricane Insurance Attorney Help

If your condo is damaged in a storm and you’re worried about the condo association delaying repairs, don’t wait. Schedule a consultation with Parrish Law today and let our experienced Florida hurricane insurance attorneys help you figure out your best next steps.