Washington Post Article Sheds Light on Very Dark Practices by Insurers after Hurricane Ian.

The Washington Post recently published an excellent article (link below) that sheds light on how some insurance companies have been (allegedly) improperly underpaying and denying claims for property damage resulting from Hurricane Ian. According to the article, some insurers have allegedly been slashing payouts far below damage estimates prepared by their field adjusters (without the approval of the field adjusters themselves), leaving policyholders struggling to make repairs to their homes and businesses. If true, this is abject bad faith and potentially fraudulent behavior by insurance carriers against their policyholders. Parrish Law has, through current and former clients, seen this sort of action out of various insurers first hand – not just in the wake of Hurricane Ian, but also dating back to other previous hurricanes as well. 

If you are a policyholder who has been affected by Hurricane Ian and suspect that your insurance company is engaging in this despicable behavior, Parrish Law can help. At Parrish Law, we specialize in assisting insurance policyholders who have had their claims underpaid or denied. We understand how frustrating and overwhelming it can be to deal with insurance companies, particularly after a natural disaster like Hurricane Ian. That is why we are here to help you navigate the claims process and ensure that your insurance company is held accountable for the damages you have suffered.

Our team will work tirelessly to review your policy, assess the damages, and force your insurance company to pay what is rightfully owed. We can help you document the damage, gather evidence, and build a strong case to maximize your payout. We will fight to make sure that you receive the full and fair compensation you are entitled to under your policy.

If you are struggling to get the compensation you deserve for property damage resulting from Hurricane Ian, contact Parrish Law today. Our dedicated team is here to help you get the justice and compensation you deserve. Don’t let your insurance company deny or underpay your claim – let us fight for you.

Link to Article: https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2023/03/11/florida-insurance-claims-hurricane-ian/