Florida and Louisiana Water Insurance Claims Attorney

Water damage is a homeowner’s nightmare. It disrupts your life and causes significant financial strain. If you live in Florida or Louisiana, the threat of water damage is ever-present, with heavy rains, hurricanes, and even faulty appliances posing a risk. After experiencing water damage, filing an insurance claim should be straightforward. Unfortunately, many homeowners face denials or unfair settlements from their insurance companies.  At Parrish Law, our experienced insurance claim attorneys can help you fight back against water damage claim denials and ensure you receive the fair compensation you deserve.

water insurance claims attorney

Why Water Damage Claims Get Denied

Insurance companies deny water damage claims for various reasons.  Here are some of the most common:

  • Policy Exclusions: Many homeowners’ policies exclude specific types of water damage, such as flood damage (often requiring a separate flood insurance policy) or gradual leaks caused by long-term neglect. It’s crucial to understand your policy’s exclusions to avoid surprises during the claims process.
  • Pre-Existing Conditions: Insurers may deny your claim if they argue the water damage originated from a pre-existing condition, such as a roof with known deficiencies. This is where having proper documentation of your roof’s maintenance history becomes vital.
  • Improper Maintenance: If the insurer believes the water damage could have been prevented with proper maintenance, they may deny your claim entirely or offer a reduced settlement.
  • Coverage Disputes: Disagreements can arise about the cause of the water damage or whether it falls under your specific policy coverage. For example, the insurer might argue that faulty appliance installation caused the leak, excluding it from coverage.

The Tactics Insurance Companies Use

Insurance companies often employ tactics to minimize payouts on water damage claims.  Beware of “lowball offers.”  The initial settlement might significantly undervalue the cost of repairs or replacements, often based on a quick adjuster’s assessment that may not capture the full extent of the damage.  Many policies have strict deadlines for filing a claim.  Missing these deadlines can give the insurer grounds for denial.  Additionally, insurers may use ambiguous policy language or misinterpret details to deny your claim based on technicalities.

How Parrish Law Can Help You Fight a Denied Water Damage Claim

If your water damage claim has been denied, Parrish Law can help you navigate the complexities of the appeals process and fight for fair compensation.  Our attorneys will:

  • Review Your Policy: We’ll thoroughly examine your insurance policy to identify the specific coverages and exclusions that apply to your water damage claim.
  • Investigate the Denial: We’ll work with qualified professionals to investigate the cause and extent of the water damage, gathering evidence to support your claim.
  • Negotiate with Your Insurer: Our experienced team will handle all communication with your insurance company and fight for a fair settlement that covers the full cost of repairs, replacements, and any content loss you may have experienced.
  • File a Lawsuit: If necessary, we will not hesitate to file a lawsuit against your insurance company to protect your rights and obtain the compensation you deserve.

Don’t Let Them Deny What You Deserve

Water damage is stressful enough. Don’t let your insurance company add to your burden with a denied claim.  At Parrish Law, we understand the emotional and financial toll water damage can take.  We are committed to helping Florida and Louisiana residents recover the maximum compensation they deserve  after a water damage event.  Contact Parrish Law today for a free consultation.  We’ll review your case, answer your questions, and develop a strategy to fight for the compensation you’re entitled to by law.