Florida and Louisiana Hurricane Insurance Claims Attorney 

Hurricanes can be devastating to homeowners, especially where the homeowner’s insurance company delays, denies, or underpays an insurance claim. Insurance claims related to hurricane damage are sometimes complicated, time-consuming, and overwhelming to home owners suffering through the aftermath. At Parrish Law, we specialize in helping policyholders navigate the insurance claim process subsequent to the storm. We understand the challenges and intricacies of dealing with insurance companies, and we work tirelessly to ensure that our clients receive the fair compensation they deserve for their losses. 

hurricane insurance claims

Insurance Claim Challenges After a Hurricane

Insurance companies are businesses that seek to make a profit, which often leads to denying or underpaying legitimate claims subsequent to a hurricane as they attempt to protect their bottom lines. This is what’s called “bad faith”, and it’s the unfortunate product of insurers putting their profits over the interests of their customers (or insureds). Our team at Parrish Law is committed to fighting for our clients’ rights and holding insurance companies accountable for their obligations to policyholders. We have a proven track record of success in negotiating and litigating hurricane insurance claims, and we have helped numerous clients recover from the aftermath of devastating hurricanes in the states of Florida and Louisiana. 

Get the Help You Deserve – Contact Parrish Law Today

After a hurricane, time is of the essence when it comes to filing an insurance claim. Insurance companies have strict deadlines and documentation requirements, and missing these deadlines can lead to the denial of your claim. At Parrish Law, we understand the importance of acting quickly and efficiently. We understand how insurance companies operate and how to guide our clients through the difficult process of dealing with an insurance company that has chosen its own profits over our client’s ability to recover from the storm. Our team has the knowledge and experience to help you navigate the complex process of successfully resolving your hurricane insurance claim such that your life can move forward from the devastation. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn how we can help you recover from the damage and put the hurricane in the past.