Florida and Louisiana Fire Insurance Claims Attorney 

As a homeowner or business owner, experiencing a fire can be a traumatic and stressful event. If you have suffered property damage due to a fire, you will likely file a claim with your insurance company for coverage of the damages. However, insurance companies are businesses, and like any business, they want to maximize their profits. Unfortunately, this can sometimes mean that they may try to minimize or deny your fire insurance claim. If this has happened to you, Parrish Law is here to help. 

fire insurance claims attorney

Starting the Claim Process

One of the most important steps in filing a fire insurance claim is to ensure that you have proper documentation of the damages. This includes taking photos of the damage, making a list of items that were destroyed or damaged, and providing receipts or other documentation to prove the value of the items. Additionally, you will need to provide your insurance company with a copy of the fire report filed by the fire department.  After you have provided your insurance company with all of the necessary documentation, they will conduct their own investigation into the cause and extent of the damages. It is important to note that insurance companies will often send their own adjuster to assess the damage, and this adjuster may be looking out for the interests of the insurance company rather than yours. 

Reasons for Denied Claims and Your Options

If your insurance company denies your fire insurance claim, it is important to understand that this does not necessarily mean that you do not have a valid claim. Insurance companies may deny claims for a variety of reasons, including policy exclusions, insufficient documentation, or a belief that the fire was caused by intentional or criminal activity. If you believe that your claim was improperly denied, Parrish Law can help you explore your legal options. 

Policy Exclusions

One of the most common reasons for denied fire insurance claims is policy exclusions. Insurance policies may exclude certain types of damages or losses, such as damages caused by wildfires, arson, or other intentional acts. However, it is important to review your policy carefully to determine whether your claim should have been covered. Even if your policy contains exclusions, there may be certain exceptions or limitations to those exclusions that would still entitle you to coverage. 

Insufficient Documentation

Another reason that insurance companies may deny fire insurance claims is because of insufficient documentation. If you do not provide your insurance company with enough evidence of the damages or the value of the lost items, they may deny your claim. This is why it is important to document the damages as thoroughly as possible and to keep all of your receipts and other documentation. 

Parrish Law is Here to Help

If you have been denied coverage for your fire insurance claim, Parrish Law can help you understand your rights and options. We can review your insurance policy, assess the strength of your claim, and help you negotiate with your insurance company. If necessary, we can also represent you in court to fight for the coverage that you deserve. 

In conclusion, if you have suffered property damage due to a fire, it is important to understand your rights and options under your insurance policy. If your fire insurance claim has been denied, Parrish Law can help you fight for the coverage that you are entitled to. With our knowledge and experience, we can help you navigate the complex world of insurance claims and get the compensation you deserve.