Florida and Louisiana Cargo Insurance Claims Attorney 

At Parrish Law, we understand that cargo loss can be a devastating experience for our clients. When cargo is lost or damaged, it can impact not only the cargo owners but also transportation intermediaries such as trucking companies, freight forwarders, shippers, and brokers. As a result, cargo loss claims require a deep understanding of complex federal regulations, common law doctrines, and insurance policies. 

One federal regulation that governs cargo loss claims is the Carmack Amendment. The Carmack Amendment is a federal statute that sets forth the liability of carriers for damage to goods during transportation. The Carmack Amendment provides shippers with a legal remedy against carriers for damage to goods in transit. Claims under the Carmack Amendment arise under federal law (meaning that our clients may wind up in federal court as they pursue their claim) and can be complex and time-consuming. At Parrish Law, we have extensive experience representing clients in cargo loss claims under the Carmack Amendment. 

cargo insurance claims attorney

Types of Cargo Loss Claims

One common type of cargo loss claim is caused by refrigeration (or reefer unit) malfunctions. Temperature-controlled cargo is especially susceptible to loss caused by equipment malfunctions. When a refrigeration unit malfunctions, the temperature inside the container can rise or fall, causing spoilage of the cargo. This can result in significant economic loss for our clients. At Parrish Law, we have experience litigating claims involving refrigeration unit malfunctions and other types of cargo loss claims. 

Marine cargo loss claims and airfreight cargo loss claims are also common types of cargo loss claims. These claims involve loss or damage to cargo during transportation by water or air. Marine cargo loss claims can arise from a variety of causes, including storms, piracy, and accidents. Airfreight cargo loss claims can arise from a variety of causes, including mechanical malfunctions, errors in loading or unloading cargo, and other types of human error. At Parrish Law, we have experience representing clients in both marine and airfreight cargo loss claims. 

Claims of property and/or truck brokers are another type of cargo loss claim. Property and/or truck brokers serve as intermediaries between shippers and carriers. When cargo is lost or damaged, property and/or truck brokers may face liability for the loss. At Parrish Law, we have experience representing property and/or truck brokers in cargo loss claims. 

Bailments are also an important consideration in cargo loss claims. A bailment is a transfer of possession of personal property without transfer of ownership. In the context of cargo loss claims, a bailment occurs when a shipper transfers possession of goods to a carrier for transportation. The carrier then assumes responsibility for the goods while they are in transit. At Parrish Law, we have experience litigating claims involving bailments and cargo loss. 

Understanding Cargo Loss Insurance

Cargo loss claims can also involve different types of insurance policies. Insurance policies that cover cargo loss suffered by transportation intermediaries can be complex and difficult to navigate. Common coverage exclusions for cargo loss claims include mechanical breakdown, corrosion, pre-existing damage, wear and tear, and/or deterioration. At Parrish Law, we understand the difficulties of parsing through which damages are covered and which damages are not covered by the insurance policy. We work tirelessly to ensure that our clients receive the maximum compensation available under their insurance policies. 

Parrish Law – Your Advocate in Cargo Loss Claims

In conclusion, at Parrish Law, we understand the devastating impact that cargo loss can have on our clients. We have extensive experience representing clients in a wide variety of cargo loss claims, including trucking cargo loss claims, marine and airfreight cargo loss claims