Our Hurricane Ian Claim Litigation Partners

Insurance Claim Advocates, PLLC

Though newly formed, we have known and collaborated with ICA’s Lawyers on numerous cases, and we are confident in their ability to assist you with any insurance claims including claims you may have following Hurricane Ian. You can read all about them at www.stormadvocates.com. If your property has suffered damage due to the hurricane, or you have any type of property insurance claim, you are entitled to fair and complete compensation from your insurance company. You should never accept anything less.

The 5 lawyers at ICA have over 100 years of collective experience, litigating hurricane claims as far back as Hurricane Andrew. They understand the burden that comes with losing your home or business in a hurricane and are committed to providing aggressive representation to get you what you deserve. We have seen their impressive results first hand.

Insurance companies are known for undervaluing or denying claims, which can be frustrating and overwhelming. However, our legal team, along with the expertise of ICA, can help you navigate the complex insurance claims process and fight for the compensation you deserve.

If your claim has been denied, underpaid, or delayed contact us today for a free consultation we will set up along with ICA to address your concerns. If you’re unsatisfied with your current public adjuster or lawyer we can help.

ICA tells us that most of their clients come to them as a result of a lack of progress, or because the client can’t even talk to the public adjuster or the lawyer who is supposed to be handling their case. You do not have to stay with a public adjuster or lawyer who isn’t aggressively pursuing your claim particularly if you have simply lost confidence in them. We are standing by ready to assist you!