What Kind of Insurance Do You Need for a Hurricane?

What Kind of Insurance Do You Need for a Hurricane_

When you think about protecting your home from hurricane damage, you likely focus solely on preparing the exterior and tying down or removing items that could go airborne during high winds. While those steps can certainly reduce the damage your property suffers, they’re no substitute for having comprehensive insurance coverage. There are a few different types of policies that Florida and Louisiana hurricane insurance claims attorneys largely feel are necessary to protect your home and your investment. Here are some of the top policies you’ll want to invest in.

Homeowners’ Insurance

A good homeowners’ insurance policy protects your home from damage related to theft, break-ins, fires, hailstorms, hurricanes, and more. It’s designed to give you the money you need to cover repairs and replacements for the most common types of damage. These policies are widely required by mortgage lenders and are considered a must-have form of protection regardless of the type of home you live in or the age of the structure.

What to Look for in a Policy

Look for a policy that has high enough coverage limits to adequately cover the cost of repairs or replacements if your home is damaged. You’ll also want to make sure the policy covers the types of risks you’re most concerned about. For Floridians and Louisianans, this means hurricanes, windstorms, tornadoes, and other similar qualifying events.

Flood Insurance

Homeowners’ insurance typically doesn’t cover damage done by floods, which are all too common during hurricanes. That’s why it’s a good idea to invest in a stand-alone flood insurance policy. These policies will give you the money you need to make repairs if your home is damaged by floods even if those floods are the result of hurricanes and storm surge. 

What to Look for in a Policy

Look for coverage that protects against the common types of floods in your area. If you’re worried about floods from a named river or lake, a standard policy should be fine. But if you’re concerned about unnamed water sources like drainage ditches, storm surge, and other similar sources, make sure the policy covers flooding from unnamed waterways. Be mindful of the cost, though. Flood insurance providers are increasing the premiums on policies across the Gulf Coast. You may need to shop around to find a provider you can reasonably afford.

Sewer Backup Insurance

Homeowners’ insurance doesn’t typically cover sewer backup damage. This can leave you with a disgusting mess on your hands as well as a hefty repair bill. You may want to invest in sewer backup insurance to fully protect your home. These policies cover backups related to the most common incidents, including floods and hurricanes. 

What to Look for in a Policy

Make sure the policy you purchase covers the types of backups you’re most concerned about. Some only cover sump pump backups while others cover sewer backups throughout the fixtures in your home. 

How to Find Good Coverage

Every insurance provider is different and the types of policies they issue and the coverage those policies provide may vary. Do your due diligence and research each policy and insurance provider you’re interested in. You may want to consult with an insurance broker to help you find the best coverage for your needs. Insurance brokers work with multiple providers and can often tailor policies to fit your needs and your budget. 

Filing Claims Doesn’t Guarantee a Fair Settlement

Keep in mind that having insurance alone doesn’t guarantee that you’ll get a fair settlement if you need to file a claim for hurricane damage. Ultimately, insurance providers are in business for themselves and they may try to give you a lower settlement than you deserve. If you’re worried about your claim or are sure you’re entitled to a larger settlement than your provider is offering, don’t wait. Contact Parrish Law to schedule a consultation. Our experienced team is here to help you get the settlement you deserve.